
Welcome to Woodlawn Preschool Ministry!

Here at Woodlawn, we are passionate about teaching preschoolers the love of Christ in a fun and nurturing environment. We love to sing and play games while learning that Christ is our Savior. Our goal is to come alongside families to foster their love for Jesus. We believe through our programs we are helping parents build a firm foundation for your children to grow. We care for children from birth- 5 years old, prior to Kindergarten. 

Sunday Morning:
Sunday School @ 9:15am
When you bring your children into the nursery, you will be met with a friendly face and love. Once you get your child checked in, your child(ren) will be taken to their Sunday School class. In class he/she will learn about Jesus and His love for us through a Bible story, craft, and discussion. They also have snack and in-room play time.
Pre-K Worship @ 10:30am
After Sunday school we transition into our Kids Worship time where we will sing, learn a verse, and have a deeper discussion about their lesson.  During Kids Worship we split up between playtime and worship.

Sunday Night:
Preschool Choir from 5:30-7pm
We offer childcare for babies-2 years and preschool choir for ages 3-5, prior to kindergarten. The children learn songs that they will perform on stage during a service towards the end of each semester.  

Wednesday Night:
AWANA from 6-7:30pm Your children can participate in Puggles at age 2 and Cubbies ages 3-5, prior to kindergarten.  During Awana, your kids will sing, play, learn scripture, and grow in their knowledge of Jesus. Awana runs during the school year and takes a break over the summer.  During the summer we offer other ways for kids to engage on Wednesday Nights.

Other activities planned throughout the year:
Easter Egg Hunt & Resurrection Story
Vacation Bible School
Family Worship Nights
Christmas Program

All Children’s Ministry leaders and volunteers must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Must have faithfully attended Woodlawn Baptist Church for at least 6 months.
2. Must complete our New Member’s Class.
3. Must clear a criminal background check.

Parent’s Day Out Program:
We are excited to announce that this Fall we are starting A Parent’s Day Out Program during the week.  This program will be for preschoolers ages 2-5 (Pre-K).  It will take place on Tuesday and Thursday each week from 9am-1pm.  The program will run from August 2022-May 2023.  If you want to learn more about the program, including costs and policies, you can visit our Parent’s Day Out Page.***Place link.  If you are interested in registering your child or have further questions, please contact our Preschool Ministry Director Mary McDaniels at or call the church office.   

Sunday Mornings


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum faucibus accumsan nulla, non faucibus velit convallis et. Nulla tempus placerat massa. 

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