The primary purpose of the church is the glory of the Lord. We were created to be worshippers of the living God, to declare his majesty, his grace, his goodness, his justice, and his power. We join in with all creation to honor his great name. This pursuit set the foundation and the root for everything else we do as a church.
The more we know God, the more we glorify him. We must know who he is, what he has done, and what his desire is for us. For that reason, we must be a church that is growing in our faith, our love, our knowledge, and our obedience to Jesus Christ.

The greatest way that God is glorified is when people who have walked in darkness see the light of Jesus, when sinners come to repentance, when those who are lost find the grace of God, and when love flows out of the church and into the streets. Our peace, our salvation, our hope is his delight and glory. For that reason, we are a church that seeks to reach each person we meet with the gospel of Christ Jesus.